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Justyna Kos

ADHD and Shifting Passions: Why It’s Okay to Keep Exploring

ADHD and Shifting Passions: Why It’s Okay to Keep Exploring

Confession time: After listening to the legendary Maria Callas, I was convinced I was destined to be an opera singer. It started with a moment of pure joy, singing "Ave Maria" and realizing that—hey—I might actually have a decent high pitch!

In that moment, I could see it all: the stage, the lights, the standing ovation. My ADHD brain was all in—hyper-focused and ready to make it happen. But, before I started looking for the nearest opera house, reality gently tapped me on the shoulder.

This isn't the first time I've had such intense "aha!" moments. Whether it was considering a career as a surgeon after binge-watching Grey's Anatomy or imagining myself as the next great novelist after reading a captivating book, my ADHD-driven curiosity has led me down countless fascinating paths.

But here's the thing I've learned, both as an ADHD coach and from my own experiences: It's okay to explore these moments of inspiration without fully committing to them. Sometimes, the satisfaction we seek can be found earlier than we expect—like taking a few classical singing lessons or completing a biology course on Udemy. And that's perfectly fine.

There's no need to blame ourselves for not following every passion to the end. Embracing our colorful, unique, and curious ADHD brain wiring is what makes us interesting, multifaceted people.

So, whether you're dreaming of the opera, the operating room, or something entirely different, remember that it’s the exploration that counts. Every detour adds richness to our lives, and every "what if?" is a step towards understanding who we are.

Let’s celebrate the journey, wherever it leads, and find joy in the diversity of our interests. That’s where the real magic happens.